Back to Work (and blogging)

Well finally I have found some time to get back on the blog. It has certainly been a while and I have missed it. Three weeks into my new job I went to the States for 2 weeks, for a friends wedding/holiday. It was fantastic, but unfortunately(?) we were in the deep south and in terms of landscape architecture and garden design the inspiration was zero....hence no photos posted of trip (instead a jpeg of a new take on toile fabric, by a funky Glaswegian company called timorous beasties)
The Americans must have invented the word SPRAWL, and I couldn't quite get over the lack of sensitivity when it came to the commercial buildings. Many of the residential homes, especially the traditional southern ones, with their verandahs and swings- were beautiful. The retail areas on the other hand were nothing short of horrific. One second you are in the beautiful Smokey Mountains- the next driving down a strip of neon, crazy golfs and tacky buildings.And don't get me started on the Wal-Marts (I've seen smaller airports)
anyway.....back to garden speak
I have ordered two Piet Ouldoulf books from Amazon this week and I am looking forward to getting them. My garden has been very neglected this past few months so tomorrow weather permitting I am going to get stuck in.
Next blog I will be posting photos from Wales, as the landscape there was very inspiring.