Hadlow Concept

I am definitely someone who needs a concept or theme to inspire a design...I don't know whether this is a strength or a weakness? Anyway, so I have been trying to come up with something to inspire my Masterplan. As yet I have not taken this inspiration past the conceptual stage, as I am using the party season to procrastinate alot.....so this blogging is a direct response to my guilt. Anyway...looking at the aerial images I got from Multimap, you can see how the campus sits in the landscape. I was actually quite suprised at how beautiful the area looks from the air, so decided it would be nice to use this patchwork of fields as a conceptual theme.
I tried to think of other things that are reminiscent of a patchwork so as to explore the qualities, and found the following images....from rice paddy's, salt farms, architecture, mud flats and stained glass. Even Mondrian shares some of the qualities.
So now I just have to figure what parts of this concept I want to take through to the design...watch this space

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