Easter Prayer

Well here I am on Easter Sunday attending the Church of Blog, of which I am a devout follower. It is great because it is Easter all year with the blog religion, at least thats what it feels like with all the constant chocolate.
After I have worshipped at the blog alter, I am going to give an offering to Photoshop, and then take the afternoon off and have lunch with friends (oh, and eat more chocolate)
I wasn't planning on getting up early this morning, but there is a bird in our neighbourhood, that makes the most annoying sound. It is pitched at such a level which, without fail, wakes me up before any alarms. Maybe Richard can identify the bird if I describe the sound. It is like either a squeaky bicycle wheel going around and round, or someone inflating an air mattress with a leak. I can't seem to spot the bloody thing, so it must be small, but the sound permeates the whole area. I am thinking about getting a cat. My boyfriend says he thinks it is looking for a mate and that the noise will stop when it gets laid.
My prayer to the Church of Blog this morning is 'please get this bird a bird, before I get a shotgun' Amen
Sorry Raina, can't identify from your description, although possibly a starling (Sturnus vulgaris). I do however have a c.d. of bird calls which may assist if you would like to borrow the same. Re "getting laid". No, this will not curb the singing. If anything, having found a mate, the male will sing more, in defence of it's territory.
Best get that air rifle!
I have a similar problem with an angry squirrel. I didn't think they made any noise until I met this one which lives in my garden. Whenever it sees a cat (which is every 5 minutes)it makes a noise like fingernails on a blackboard. Ear plugs might help you. Or maybe just play a tape of a cat miaowing? I don't have one, but try the bbc shop - they have tapes of every noise known to man.
Just thought my comment looked a bit nerdy. I'm only joking about the cat tape thing!
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