Monday, April 24, 2006

The Monday Blues

Well, the first Monday back was as much of a blow to me as it would be for Jamie arriving to find everyones work beautifully annotated. i.e: A complete shock.
My head is spinning with everything I need to do, but I am determined not to shed another tear over this degree, so I am trying to toughen up and not get overwhelmed by all the work yet to do. However, whilst at Avery Hill this afternoon, I was so overwhelmed that I quit my job a month earlier than planned. I will be cash poor, but slightly time richer, so it will be worth it really. Jackie figured out we have 24 days until D day and that gave me all the reason I needed to lose the job and gain some sanity (or was that insanity?). That is not even a scary is that?
OK, that is enough freaking out. The second glass of red is starting to reduce my stress levels, in a very effective way, so by glass three I should be fine. (If I am not a not an alcoholic by the end of this degree, I will be very suprised)



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