Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Are we there yet?

Oh please let this end now. I have had enough. I have already taken a few tentative steps into life as I used to know it, and I like it and I don't want to do anymore horrible things like construction drawings. Everything feels tortuous and it is taking every ounce of self will I have left to get it done. On Sunday I was at The Fat Duck with my other half and for a few moments I believed I was happy again! Now it is Wednesday and I am back at the drawing board wondering was it all a dream?
I took some photos of one of the amazing desserts I had (14 courses in all) so I am posting these pictures to confirm to myself that life is just around the corner and soon it will be as beautiful as this pudding!

(In case you want to know what it is, I took a copy of the menu: Mango and douglas fir puree, bavarois of lychee and mango, blackcurrant was amazing!)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Back to the Grind

Well after a lovely weekend off, it is back to work as normal. Today I have redone the colours on my sections. Jamie and Andrew weren't too keen on my more abstract colours, so I made my trees green and tomorrow will tackle my sequential images with the yellow meadow and blue bamboo.

Saw Andrew on the tele at Chelsea looking very important with a clipboard. I hope the entrants have taken their concepts through to planting and materials, and that they haven't coloured any trees in a bluey/petrol colour!

Above is one of my precedent images......the mood I hope to create with my waterwall.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

What a Day

Well finally it is Saturday.......woke up at 1pm, feeling completely exhausted. It was one emotional rollercoaster of a day, which went a little like this:

5:30am- Wake up
6:00am -Load car with work and 2 models(mine and Emmas')
6:30am -Meet Emma at Hammersmith Station
7:30am -Car breaks down between Junction 7-6 on the M25
7:31am -Have nervous break down
7:32am- Play ensuing scenario through mind-can we make it?
7:33am-Call Green Flag and beg for assistance
7:45am- Call Jackie(sorry Jackie!) Jackie calls Dan who calls Irina who may possibly be driving past to rescue us
7:46am- Call Emmas boyfriend to ask if he can find us a cab in the area
7:48am- Call Martin who thinks it is a practical joke!
7:50-8:28 -Stand on M25 hard shoulder seeing who will show up first- Irina or Green Flag. Freezing cold, jumping up and down trying to stay warm, through the spray coming off the wheels of passing trucks. Remarkably laughing between profuse apologies to Emma.
8:35am -Green Flag pulls up, run up and tell him, if we don't get to Uni very soon we will fail. He remarks he has never before seen 2 people happier to see him in his whole career! He puts the mini on his truck and drives like the wind to the college.
10:05am- Unbelievably pinned up and sitting in Hadlow cafeteria eating a horrible sandwich, but never happier.
Early afternoon- Emma gets an A!
Late afternoon- I get an A-!
8:30pm- Home at last, drink Champagne, talk about my day and fall into a coma-like sleep.

My thanks to: Jackie for trying to organize our rescue, Dan for calling Irina, Irina and Martin for offering to rescue us, Green Flag for arriving within an hour and most importantly Emma, for being incedibly good humoured and laughing about a potential 40% mark.

No thanks goes to my car.

Two more weeks and we are done. I am taking the weekend off. Feels great!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006



That's the first thing I thought when I woke up this morning. I have never been so stressed out in all my life. I wake up with nausea and my heart beating like the clappers....managed to turn that into a positive this morning, commenting to my other half "well at least it's not morning sickness and at least my heart IS beating" in a vain attempt at being a 'cup is half full' type of person.

I am off to Hadlow to get my printing done today. It is a fair hike for me, but it is SO much cheaper than London, that it is worth the trip. So madly tying up some loose ends before I head off.

I have made some developments in the alcoholic beverage department. Normally a red wine drinker...last night there wasn't any (eek!) so I had some whisky (which I have never liked) It hit the spot nicely, and I decided I now like it( I can hear myself telling this story at my first AA meeting in the not too distant future)

ANYWAY, enough of that....must get on and stop procrastinating.....need to find out British Standards of various things and do many construction drawings.

I always thought BS stood for something else...........


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Up and at em

Well here I am again. It's Sunday morning, and I was up till all hours redoing my sequential images (making eye-levels the same, changing the sizes and layouts and yes....annotating them of course) Went to bed and dreamt that Jamie was sketching my sequential images for me, and including cute little details like people having picnics and eating cake.......and then I woke up. Where the hell did my subconcious drag that idea from?

So well and truly back to reality now and planning to tick a few more things off the list. I think the hardest thing to do at this stage (apart from doing the work) is stay positve and cheery. So I am posting some images of my favourite ad that will hopefully make you warm and fuzzy inside. Now that sounds quite sad, but I am sure any of you who have seen it, especially in the cinema, will agree it is a beautiful piece of cinematography. I keep a little clip of it on my computer and watch it every now and then. It makes me feel happy!

Interesting fact. No computer trickery was used in making this ad. 250,000 multicoloured, bouncy balls were launched down a San Franscisco street and filmed in real time. If you want to procrastinate you can check out the website at

I just find the whole concept inspiring....on that note, I'm off to work myself into the ground!

P.S I don't have shares in Sony.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

There's a first time for everything

First drink, first kiss, first degree, first nervous breakdown AND first wisteria flower! I have waited 5 long years for this baby to do its thing and it finally has, so I am posting a proud photo. Have spent the weekend inside working away, and to be honest (I know its selfish) but I am glad that the crap English climate has held true and stopped being beautifully sunny after only two days. Rule Brittania!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Lighting Concept.....Tick

Slowly ticking off the boxes of the 1:200 stuff. As soon as I cross something off the list the load feels a little lighter. I am not letting my brain think about the 1:50 at the moment. One step at a time to try and keep my sanity, is the gameplan. Here is a nightime image. Decided to have downlighters, or as some websites call them, moonlighters, in my tree canopy, as it was a way to keep the main path well lit and for it to have some ambience aswell. The canopy of Fraxinus angustifolia is airy and delicate, so would create lovely shadows on the pale paving.
Off to the printers now (for the third morning in a row) Then back home to de existing site rendered plan.