Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Neverending Story

I just seem to have lost any ability to make decisions. Just when I think I am happy with my design, I stare at it a bit longer, and then I go changing it again. Now I am worrying I have gone to far and should have stopped developing my ideas, but to be honest once you change on thing it has a knock on effect. So this week was certainly not the 'easy' planting and materials overlays that it should have been. I have done more work on the planting, and my materials overlay is a joke really....but hey, I just gotta stop at some point, my brain is fried.
The following are pictures of my long and arduous design development. Three overlays? Try 15! I have not photgraphed all of them but just the major changes. I guess I am afraid that I will be told...I was going in the right direction early on, and that I have completely lost the plot by my last one. I don't even think I should be a garden designer if this is how long it takes me to do things.....unless I can charge my clients by the hour and they are filthy rich and don't mind! To use a form of analogy that Jamie is fond of employing, this year is like learning how to cook a souffle. The first few attempts sink in the middle (or the first 15) and then you finally perfect it and you get the finished article....you just have to persevere. I am still whisking the eggs on this one.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

System approaching overload

Just when I thought I had a handle on things, this week now has to be sacrificed for the professional studies module. I don't like to complain about things too much, I tend to go for the grin and bear it approach,but I have to say that this late delivery of a module that we should have had last year could be the straw that broke the camels back. Through no fault of our own, the part time garden design students are now doing a full time course, not only that but at a time when the pressure is really starting to mount up. We have a huge hand in for Tom Turner on the 6th March, not to mention all Jamies work, and now a whole three days of another subject........aaaaaarrrrrggghhhhhhh Never mind trying to hold down a part time job and for many other part timers who have children, this really is a nightmare.

Now that I have that off my chest, lets move on. On Saturday I wrote half the day off as I had not taken a day off from Uni work for three weeks. I believe that it can be more productive to just stop, chill out and pretend it doesn't exist for a few hours, just to a) regain your sanity b) put things into perspective c) recharge your batteries. So I went with my lovely boyfriend, (who was suprised I didn't ask him to go out with friends so I won't be distracted from my work) and we went to the Hayward to see the Dan Flavin exhibition. We thouroughly enjoyed it because not only is the installation art fantastic, but it is all made with lights and colours, and it is like standing in front of a happy lamp (you know those ones that combat S.A.D?) The perfect exhibition for a grey February in London.

The following are two postcards of Flavin's work that I got. The green and yellow pieces, do not stand side by side, they are in fact back to back, so the green and yellow light pass through into each installation.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Broadgate visit

Emma and I took Andrews advice and went and walked around Broadgate yesterday afternoon. Even though I have a huge amount of work to be getting on with, it was well worth taking the time out. It provided inspiration and we looked at detailing and choice of materials. They really are hugely important and can make or break ideas.
The photos posted here are off the web, as I took my old fashioned camera with me. They don't like people taking pictures there, but Emma and I assured them that we were not interested in photographing the buildings, we were only interested in the paving, benches and lights. So they said we could take photos. We checked out Finsbury square in the daylight and then went back when it was dark, to see it in it's full glory. It is a fantastic place and just makes you realise how underused lighting is when it comes to public spaces. I mean the possibilites are endless.
There are many other things to see at broadgate, and I will post some photos when I get my film developed, but this was definitely my favourite part.
I took along my sketch overlays to discuss with Emma. This was a huge help as I really seem to bogged down with my ideas sometimes and don't know where to go next. Sometimes all it takes is discussing it out loud with another person. Even when it confirms everything that you thought was wrong IS wrong, then all the better. With a combination of discussing ideas and seeing brilliant ideas in action, it really helped me to go back to the drawing board.
If anyone wants to go to Broadgate, it is right behind Liverpool St station.


Sunday, February 05, 2006


What weekend? I have just finished typing up my notes for Tom Turner. This weekend I have researched and filtered through copious amounts of information about Medieval and Renaissance Europe and gardens. I, myself feel as if I have come through the Dark Ages(Sat and Sunday) and emerged in an age of enlightenment (Sun night) Unfortunately that enlightenment is the realisation that I must research six more chapters of garden history, before they spring the belated Business Law module on us.
So really, I am still in the Dark Ages and not even in a walled pleasance, but off fighting a crusade........bugger

So, I have completed all tasks due tomorrow. Well all but one. I have not come up with a theme for my garden festival. Well I know what the theme won't be (see aforementioned topics)
My brain is mush right now so it probably best not to try and figure one out. I was going to have Genius loci as my theme (bit intellectual and all that) but as I have to design the gardens in the show, I have to be 100% inspired (not that the genius loci isn't inspiring but I have pondered too long on the Spirit of Hadlow, and want a new challenge)
Perhaps I will brainstorm some ideas at college tomorrow.

I am posting a picture of an Andy Goldsworthy as it is nice to look at, and might inspire a theme or two.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hadlow Survey

Well...I have done the site survey in Hadlow. Don't mind doing these things so much when it is with the lovely Claire, Emma and Jackie. The survey threw up some interesting things, which I feel could strengthen my design, so even though I hate putting together survey and analysis sheets, I do believe the design development will be fun. Took this photo of some distant views. Might be a bit difficult to see, due to the grey skies, but you can se Hadlow tower and Oast houses in the distance. I like the soft winter hues. Makes you see the strengths of grasses as a winter interest.
We were in the drawing studio working as Jamie and Robert were teaching the 2nd years the technical drawing module. Boy am I glad I don't have to do that again.........well until the design detailing for the M/P that is!