Breaking the Law
I ended up doing the law assignment over four days, in the evenings only, as I hated giving up more than one day for it. I trotted off to the post office with it this morning. Was I glad to see that one go, I tell you.
So now, I appear to have only one subject to complete. To an outsider this would probably seem like a very achievable task.....maybe even an easy one. But no, it is the most difficult thing I have attempted to do in my life and I aint got much time left in which to do it. Thank God for all my fellow sufferers and the blogging system. Reading all those messages and thoughts certainly makes you feel part of a team (even if that team is full of quivering wrecks and alcoholics! I love you guys!)
Anyway, I can never post a blog without a picture, so this is one of my precedent images,(for my large body of reflective water) and it is a photo of the lake near my Mums house in Oz. Maybe one day I will see it (and her) again?