
This is my dream car. It is a 1960 Pontiac Parisienne "Pancake Top" Now if someone gave me one of these and converted it to run on gas and not be an American fuel guzzler, then I would be over the moon happy. But not as happy as I am now. In fact at the moment I am happier than that! HAPPY, ECSTATIC, ELATED, OVERJOYED....someone get me a Thesaurus, down right, THRILLED TO BITS!
Maybe this is a bit like childbirth, as I seem to have forgotten all the pain of the past months. There were times I thought I couldn't do it....but it is amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it.
I have no idea what I am going to do with myself today.....I have a week to kill before I go on holiday to Italy. The flat is still littered with paper and pens and the like, but I can't quite seem to clear it all up.......maybe it's because I don't really believe this is it? Someone pinch me.

P.S Here is a picture of me and my English family with the fruits of my labour!
Congratulations, Raina! No need to pinch yourself - you did it all right. You've shown a strong creative talent right from the start of the course, four years ago, and I'm so pleased to have observed how that has developed - in all aspects and in every module. Well deserved, well done! Have a fantastic holiday!
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